Sending Your Instrument Back to YSI for Service
Do you need to send your YSI instrumentation in for routine service or perhaps your instrument isn’t working properly? When you return your product for service to our facility you will need to complete a Product Return Form.
Submitting this form completely and accurately will save you time and a headache when returning your YSI instrument for any reason. Here are a few guidelines to follow when filling out YSI’s product return form, some tips on packaging your instrumentation for shipment, and an overview of YSI’s Service Center policies. 
YSI Customer #: Enter this number if you know it. Otherwise, leave it blank and YSI will fill it in when it arrives for service.
Service Request (SR)#: It is not required to have an SR# created before you send your instrumentation in for service. If you do not have an SR#, leave this field blank and the SR# will be created when the instrumentation arrives at YSI.
1) Provide Your Contact Information
It is helpful for the service technicians to have a point person they can contact if questions arise regarding the service or repair. The person listed is preferably someone who is familiar with the instrumentation and the request for service. This person will receive an email regarding the receipt of the instrumentation by YSI as well as an expected evaluation date and will also be sent a quote when the service evaluation has been completed.
Your Bill to: Please fill in the contact information for the person responsible for the billing side of the service you have requested. This person will receive the quote for the service once the evaluation has been completed. YSI will only perform the service or repairs once the quote is authorized and the payment method has been verified. Service covered under warranty is performed without approval however. (Note: Please include billing information even if your instrumentation repairs are likely to be covered under warranty. This will help YSI maintain the most accurate records for your account.)
Your Ship to: Please enter the contact information for the person where you want your instrumentation shipped once the service has been completed. (Note: YSI cannot ship to PO Boxes.) The person listed here will receive a service quote along with the contact person listed under the "Bill to" section once the instrumentation has been evaluated.
Return Shipping Options: This section is optional. Some customers prefer to provide their own shipping information for returned instrumentation. Fill in your preferred shipper account information or include a return shipping label with the Product Return Form if you prefer. YSI will by default ship domestic service items back to you via FedEx Ground. Non-domestic orders will be shipped according to the customer’s preference or most economical methods if none are specified. Repairs covered under warranty are shipped back to the customer via Ground delivery at no cost. The customer is responsible for the cost of expedited return shipping of warranty repairs.
2) Provide your Payment Method
This section is optional. No payment information is required prior to YSI evaluating the instrumentation. You can leave this section blank or check “Quote Required.” You may also attach a copy of your Purchase Order if you would like to provide pre-approval of the service. (Note: YSI will provide a quote for ALL evaluations prior to completing repairs or service except when covered under warranty.)
YSI’s policy in regards to service: Once YSI evaluates the instrumentation, a quote will be provided to the contact(s) provided on the Product Return Form. YSI will then wait for a response regarding the authorization of the service. You are not under any obligation to have your instrumentation repaired. YSI has a standard flat evaluation fee which also includes labor for every piece of instrumentation. Additional charges will be for parts only.
Your options once you receive a service quote:
1. Approve the repairs and provide payment information.
a. Call with credit card info
b. Email/Fax Purchase Order info
2. Deny the repairs and have the instrumentation shipped back to you as found by YSI.
a. You will be charged HALF of the evaluation fee and shipping if you choose this option.
3. Deny the repairs and ask YSI to scrap your instrumentation.
a. YSI will properly recycle your instrumentation and you will not be charged for service.
b. Your instrumentation is NOT recoverable once you choose this option.
3) Provide Equipment Information
Include the pertinent information for the YSI instrumentation you have sent in for service. Be sure to include the Model and Serial/Lot numbers of the instrumentation as well as a thorough description of the problem or special instructions. The more information you provide regarding the issue, the better the Service Technician can pinpoint and resolve the issue. (Note: Use page 2 of the Product Return Form to list additional instrumentation.)
A few tips when returning instrumentation for service:
1. Make sure pH, pH/ORP, Ammonium, Nitrate, Chloride, and Dissolved Oxygen probes are properly stored during transit.
a. All of these probes are adversely affected if allowed to dry out and the problem cannot be properly identified if they are not stored according to YSI recommendations.
2. Be sure to include as much of the instrumentation as possible for a thorough evaluation.
a. Sometimes it appears a probe is bad and it is sent in by itself. Many times YSI will evaluate this probe by itself and it is working properly. Therefore, the problem is likely with the instrumentation the probe was connected to. Sending in the cables, probes, and display units allow the Service Technician to evaluate the instrumentation as a whole and has a better chance of duplicating and resolving the problem.
3. Package your instrumentation properly for shipping.
a. This is electronic instrumentation and will likely be tossed onto a few trucks and a plane on its way to YSI.
b. Pack the instrumentation tightly using bubble wrap, packing peanuts newspapers, etc. so the instrumentation suffers as little shock as possible.
c. Also consider the temperatures the instrumentation may be exposed to on its journey.
i. Subzero temperatures will have permanent adverse effects on a pH probe.
ii. Use heat packs when necessary.
4) Complete a Cleaning Certificate
Some of YSI’s customers use their equipment in conditions that contain raw sewage or other applications where less than desirable exposure occurs. Please be sure to properly sanitize your instrumentation no matter what the application is prior to returning it to YSI. A quick rinse with a 1:1 bleach/water solution will help ensure YSI’s Receiving Administrators and Service Technicians stay safe. Thank you!
NOTE: YSI reserves the right to deny service and return instrumentation that is not properly cleaned.
5) Print Form and Include in Your Shipment
Be sure to keep a copy of this form for your records and include a copy with your shipment so your instrumentation can be properly logged in when it arrives at the YSI Service Center. There is no need to email this form ahead of sending in your instrumentation.
6) Package Your Equipment and Ship it to One of YSI’s Service Centers
Feel free to send your instrumentation to either service center listed on the return form. (Note: 3200 and 3400 series Conductivity Cells and EXO instrumentation must be shipped to YSI Ohio for service.) The standard turnaround time is 10 working days after the instrumentation is received at YSI. 24-hour turnaround and 3-5 day expedited services are also available for an additional fee.
Please contact the YSI Service Center for repair and service pricing inquiries: 800-765-4974 or
Contact YSI Tech Support for troubleshooting: 800-765-4974 or
Page two of the form should be used for listing additional instrumentation being sent in for service.
Once your products are sent in and are under evaluation at our service center, you can check the status of your repair with our Repair Status Checker.

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