Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter or Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM): Both refer to organic matter in water that absorbs strongly in the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum. Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (fDOM) refers to the fraction of CDOM that fluoresces.  fDOM is a surrogate for CDOM, and a fast and easy means of tracking DOM in natural waters.

Measuring CDOM/fDOM is important because concentrations of CDOM affect submerged aquatic vegetation, coral reefs and other benthic communities.

Other fDOM applications include:

  • Continuous monitoring of wastewater discharge. fDOM fluorescence corresponds to total organic carbon (TOC), which is an indicator of discharge water quality.
  • fDOM concentration can indicate the dispersion, transport and mixing of a water mass.
  • Hydrology studies demonstrate connection between flow/discharge and fDOM concentrations in rivers and floodplains.

Essential fDOM Posts on the Blog

Southeastern Estuarine Research Society Meeting fDOM Sensor Research

YSI Expert Tip 1 of 7 - Get Your Water Quality Sonde Field Ready

How Does Real-Time Data Save You Time?

Featured CDOM-fDOM Products

EXO1 Multiparameter Sonde

Multiparameter Water Quality Sonde (4 sensor ports)

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EXO2 / EXO3 Anti-Fouling Guard

Copper-alloy guard


EXO fDOM Smart Sensor

EXO Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter Digital Smart Sensor


EXO Handheld Display

Enhanced interface for calibrating and data logging with the EXO platform


EXO2 Multiparameter Sonde

Multiparameter Water Quality Sonde for Unattended Monitoring (7 sensor ports, including a central wiper port)

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