Conductivity of Water

conductivity measurement in water

What is Conductivity?

Electrical conductivity is a critical indicator of water quality, measuring water’s ability to conduct an electrical current due to dissolved ions. The more ions in the water, the higher the conductivity. For example, when sodium carbonate, a salt, is mixed with water, it breaks apart entirely into ions.

conductivity measurement ionic composition seawater
With its high quantity of dissolved salts, seawater has high ionic strength and conductivity. Marine organisms like clownfish and sea anemones require stable water quality, including relatively constant ionic composition.

Conductivity measurement is grounded in Ohm’s Law, which states that resistance (R) equals the voltage difference (V) across two points divided by current (I). In a conductivity sensor, electrodes create a current that flows through the sample, with ions in the water adding resistance as the current travels from one electrode to another.

Measurement Basics

  1. Current and Voltage Application: The sensor applies a known voltage across electrodes.
  2. Measuring Resistance: The resulting current is measured, and resistance is calculated.
  3. Calculating Conductance: Conductance (k) is found as the inverse of resistance (k = 1/R), with results displayed in siemens (S), a standard unit of conductance.

While Ohm’s Law allows us to calculate conductance, what about conductivity?

As measured, conductance is defined as the ratio of the current in a conductor (e.g., liquid) to the difference in electrical potential or voltage between electrodes. The measured value is dependent on the cell geometry, and the difference between conductance and conductivity involves the length of the conductor; our industry uses the standard 1 cm. Therefore, conductivity measures conductance (in siemens) through a 1 cm3 cube of liquid.

conductivity measures conductance-in-siemens
Conductivity measures conductance (in siemens) through a 1 cm3 cube of liquid.

In natural waters, conductivity is usually measured in microsiemens (µS/cm) or millisiemens (mS/cm) due to the relatively low ionic content compared to industrial samples. This standardization allows meaningful comparisons of conductivity across different water samples.

Conductivity, Specific Conductance, Salinity, and TDS

Specific conductance (also called specific conductivity) is conductivity measured at or compensated to a particular temperature. The measured conductivity value in YSI conductivity sensors is normalized to 25 °C.

Specific conductance removes the temperature factor, allowing the presence of ions to be the only variable that impacts the measured value. This makes specific conductance the standard choice when comparing conductivity between different locations and/or at different times. We highly recommend reporting specific conductance for comparison studies and regulatory purposes.

Salinity, the amount of salt dissolved in water, is another common water quality parameter. As dissolved salt levels in water increase, so does the water’s ionic strength.

Salinity plays a significant role in oceanographic studies, impacting water density and circulation. Even a minor change in salinity can signal larger environmental shifts, such as road salt infiltration in freshwater or the impact of rising sea levels on coastal ecosystems.

Conductivity meters determine salinity using calculations derived from the conductivity and temperature sensors.

salinity increase dissolved oxygen decrease fish kill
Road salt dissolved in a surface water body can wreak havoc on aquatic organisms, as the salt causes salinity to increase. As salinity increases, dissolved oxygen (DO) levels decrease. So, even though oxygen is more soluble in cold water, high salinity can result in large fish kills in winter due to suffocation.

Total dissolved solids (TDS) is related to conductivity but is a measurement of all the inorganic and organic substances dissolved in the water. Conductivity measurements can be used to accurately estimate TDS, but these measurements benefit from verification with standard gravimetric methods.

conductivity measurement in water consult an expert

Why Measure Conductivity?

Measuring conductivity is essential for assessing water quality in nearly any application, detecting contaminants, and monitoring environmental changes. By establishing baseline conductivity levels, water professionals can identify significant deviations that may signal pollution or shifts in water composition.

Conductivity directly reflects the ionic concentration of water, which is influenced by what is—or isn’t—present. For example, monitoring a river with stable conductivity ranges can help detect issues when sudden changes occur, prompting investigations into potential contamination sources.

conductivity measurement water quality monitoring data
Sudden changes in conductivity data can indicate the presence of contamination. Continuous, real-time monitoring with an EXO Sonde (pictured here) can prompt water resource managers to investigate the contamination event and identify the source.

Here are some common applications where conductivity data can be helpful:

  • Inorganic Pollutants: Events like combined sewer overflows (CSOs) introduce compounds such as chloride, phosphate, and nitrate, increasing conductivity.
  • Organic Pollutants: Oil spills, by contrast, lower conductivity because organic compounds do not conduct electrical current.
  • Runoff and Agriculture: Fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural runoff lead to elevated conductivity, highlighting areas impacted by human activity.
  • Coastal and Brackish Waters: In these environments, conductivity is used to measure salinity, aiding in the study of seawater intrusion and estuarine ecosystems.

In general, it is recommended to use a conductivity sensor when collecting dissolved oxygen (DO) measurements in any environment where salinity varies. For instance, seawater can hold about 20% less oxygen under the same temperature and atmospheric pressure as freshwater. See the Comparing Dissolved Oxygen Measurement Units section of our DO page for more information on the impact of salinity on DO.

salinity and dissolved oxygen measurement saline water less oxygen
Salinity should be accounted for when taking DO measurements, as saline water can hold less oxygen than freshwater.

Most modern DO instruments—such as the YSI ProDSS, EXO, Pro2030, and the FDO for IQ SensorNet —will provide real-time salinity-compensated DO measurements if a conductivity and DO sensor are connected. Otherwise, salinity must be entered into the meter for this compensation to occur.

By regularly monitoring conductivity, water professionals can track changes over time, detect emerging threats to water quality, obtain accurate DO measurements, and gain valuable insights into the health of aquatic ecosystems.

Check out our educational webinar on conductivity to learn more about why you should be measuring this parameter!

How Does a Conductivity Sensor Work?

Conductivity sensors are surprisingly straightforward. They all have a conductivity cell or sensing area, which generally consists of electrode pairs to which a current is applied. The voltage is measured, and conductivity is calculated.

Number of Electrodes

A “classical” conductivity cell consists of two electrodes and is best suited for low-conductivity solutions, such as ultra-pure water. The IDS 4320 conductivity sensor for the YSI MultiLab is ideal for measuring in these applications.

It’s important to note that two-electrode cells are susceptible to polarization, and when polarization between the liquid and electrodes occurs, the sensor can show artificially low values.

A four-electrode cell is made up of two voltage electrodes and two current electrodes. This design compensates for coating and buildup, which makes it relatively unaffected by polarization and is thus appropriate for use in most applications. This cell type usually has a wide measurement range, but it may not be as accurate as two-electrode cells in ultra-pure (low conductivity) solutions.

Most YSI conductivity sensors have four electrodes, including the EXO Wiped Conductivity/Temperature Sensor, the EXO Standard (non-wiped) Conductivity/Temperature Sensor, and IQ SensorNet TetraCon Sensors.

conductivity sensor four electrode cell
A four-electrode cell features two voltage electrodes and two current electrodes. This design helps compensate for scale or buildup on electrodes, making it relatively unaffected by polarization.

In summary, two-electrode cells are better for measuring very low conductivity solutions, while four-electrode cells are best used with high ionic activity.

Cell Constant

Now, let’s move on to the length and area of the conductor. As a reminder, the conductor is the sample liquid, and conductivity is defined as conductance per unit of conductor length. The industry standard unit of conductor length is a 1 cm3 cube of fluid at a specified temperature. Therefore, the ideal conductivity cell is a 1 cm3 cube.

Cell geometry affects your sample’s measured values, and not every sensor is designed to precisely measure a 1 cm3 cube of liquid. This is okay, as we account for this with the cell constant.

Cell geometry defines the cell constant, accounting for the size and shape of the sensor. The cell constant multiplied by the conductivity measurement results in comparable data across sensor variations.

The cell constant is the distance between the electrodes in a sensor divided by the cross-sectional area of the electrodes. This means the “ideal” cell we referred to above (1 cm cube) is 1 cm over 1 cm squared, making the cell constant 1 per centimeter.

While a cell constant is relatively stable, it will drift over time with use, as every time the sensor is submerged, the cell can experience buildup. Even when carefully cleaning the cell with a brush, the surface of the electrodes can be slightly changed. Therefore, the cell constant must be updated to account for these changes—this is done through calibration.

conductivity water sensor diagram
Anatomy of the EXO Standard (non-wiped) Conductivity/Temperature Sensor. It features a wet mate connector, titanium housing, a built-in thermistor, and a 4-nickel electrode cell. It is a smart sensor with an internal circuit board that processes the signal and saves calibration information.

Temperature Coefficient

In addition to the cell constant, the temperature coefficient is another critical factor that impacts the measured value. We know that conductivity is very dependent on temperature. In fact, conductivity can vary up to 3 percent for a single degree of temperature change.

The temperature coefficient is equal to the percent change in conductivity for each degree Celsius change in temperature. Unfortunately, this is not calculated for you, as is the case with your sensor’s cell constant. The temperature coefficient will vary depending on the sample’s composition, but you can find this information from published data or by checking measurements of representative samples.

Let’s consider an example. At 25 °C, our conductivity standard solution reads 1,413 µS/cm. At 26 °C, it reads 1440 µS/cm. We determined the conductive value increased by 1.91 percent per 1-degree change in temperature, making the temperature coefficient 0.0191. This is the default value for YSI EXO and Pro Series temperature coefficients and allows for the calculation of specific conductance.

While much of the heavy lifting in calculations is done for you by our software, it is essential to understand where these values come from and how we compensate for different factors.

Want to learn more about the measurement of conductivity? Check out our webinar on How Conductivity Sensors Work!

conductivity measurement virtual consultation with application expert

How to Select the Right Conductivity Instrument

The ideal conductivity measurement system will depend on a few factors:

  • Will you be measuring ultra-pure (i.e., VERY low conductivity) water?
    • If so, the IDS 4320 Conductivity Sensor for the YSI MultiLab is the best option, as the 4320 is specifically designed for this application.
    • If not, many other instrument options from YSI would suit your needs—keep reading!
  • Will measurements be in the field or the lab?
    • Field conductivity instruments (e.g., YSI EXO, ProDSS, and ProQuatro) are much more rugged than lab instruments, allowing them to be used in challenging conditions. Our EXO and Pro Series handhelds feature a waterproof case (IP-67 rated) drop-rated to 1 meter and metal, military-spec (MS) cable connectors.
    • However, a dedicated benchtop instrument—such as the MultiLab 4010-3W with the IDS 4310 sensor—is ideal for the lab, as they often have a large color screen, an electrode stand, and other options. The MultiLab even offers wireless sensor options, allowing users to leave the benchtop instrument in one place as they walk around the lab to collect measurements. Check out the MultiLab Ordering Guide for more information on instrument options.
conductivity measurement water quality sampling
The ProDSS is a portable multiparameter field instrument ideal for many outdoor water quality spot-sampling applications.
  • Do other parameters need to be measured?
    • Most YSI field and lab instruments measure more than conductivity—such as the instruments previously mentioned—but there are some options for those that only need to measure conductivity (plus temperature).
    • For the field, the Pro30 is a great single-parameter option. If conductivity plus one additional parameter is needed, the Pro1030 (pH or ORP plus conductivity), Pro2030 (membrane-covered DO and conductivity), or ProSolo with the ODO/CT cable (optical DO and conductivity) would be the best options.
    • In the lab, the MultiLab 4010-1W measures one parameter at a time, the MultiLab 4010-2W can measure two simultaneously, and the MultiLab 4010-3W can measure three.
    • A more economical option for the field or lab is the EC30A pen-style tester.
  • Does data need to be continuously collected?
    • Continuous conductivity monitoring, especially alongside other parameters, is ideal. When conductivity data are collected over time and in conjunction with other measurements, it offers a comprehensive view of water quality. The EXO is the best option for continuously monitoring surface water bodies, while the IQ SensorNet system is specifically designed for wastewater, drinking water, and aquaculture applications.
    conductivity water quality continuous monitoring system
    Highly customizable and exceptionally rugged, the IQ SensorNet system is ideal for continuous monitoring in wastewater, drinking water, and aquaculture applications.
conductivity water monitoring sensor anti-fouling wiper vs standard sensor
The sensor head of an EXO Wiped Conductivity/Temperature Sensor after being deployed for 47 days in the Gulf of Mexico (above image). As can be seen, the wiped sensor is relatively clean compared to the EXO Standard (non-wiped) Conductivity/Temperature Sensor in the image below.
  • Does my application prevent me from using the EXO Wiped Conductivity/Temperature Sensor?
    • While it might be tempting to go ahead and get the EXO Wiped Conductivity/Temperature Sensor to be safe, there are some instances where the EXO Standard (non-wiped) Conductivity/Temperature Sensor is better suited. It all depends on the application. Please note that our water quality handhelds for spot sampling—such as the ProDSS, ProQuatro, Pro30, etc.—do not have an anti-fouling wiper option, as they are not meant for long-term monitoring.
    • The Standard Conductivity/Temperature Sensor is the best option for sampling in rapid profiling applications, as the sensor has a built-in thermistor with a quicker response time than the thermistor embedded in the Wiped Conductivity/Temperature Sensor.
    • Due to its unique cell design, our Standard Conductivity/Temperature Sensor has a larger cell constant, giving it a more extensive measurement range than the Wiped Conductivity/Temperature Sensor—up to 200,000 µS/cm. If you are monitoring extremely high conductivity environments and require the highest accuracy, the Standard Conductivity/Temperature Sensor is for you. If you plan to use it for continuous deployments, consider whether fouling will be a concern.
    • The Wiped Conductivity/Temperature Sensor has a smaller cell constant, so its effective measurement range will top out at 100,000 µS/cm, which is still an ample range for most natural environments. While its embedded thermistor is not quite as responsive, if your application involves long-term monitoring in a fouling environment and does not require rapid profiling, this sensor will ensure highly accurate, stable data during your deployments.

Do you have questions about conductivity or need help selecting a measurement solution? Ask our experts or schedule a free virtual consultation today!