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Learn more about YSI's IQ SensorNet system for online process monitoring and control.

"Thank you for hosting and providing a great class. The material has a direct application to our plant’s process as well as the projects we have going on currently."   -Webinar attendee

municipal water project consultations

Optimizing Wastewater Treatment - Insight from Brockton AWRF

Explore how Brockton AWRF, serving 132,000 near Boston, uses online sensors for ammonia and dissolved-oxygen control. Join John Downey of Veolia and Adrienne Stenz from YSI to see how they optimize performance and meet effluent limits.

Safe Wastewater Monitoring in Hazardous Areas

Hazardous areas are a significant concern in wastewater treatment plants due to the presence of flammable gases and vapors. These areas pose a fire risk when exposed to ignition sources. To ensure safety and accuracy, it's crucial to understand the classifications and requirements. 

Best Practices for Online Sensor Maintenance Part 3

In part three covers the basics of wet chemistry analyzers and when and where it's appropriate to deploy these instruments instead of in situ sensors, live maintenance demos, and best practices for 3017M (chlorine) and Alyza IQ (ammonium/orthophosphate) online analyzers.

Best Practices for Online Sensor Maintenance Part 1

In part one, we showcase live, hands-on demonstrations of maintenance procedures for YSI IQ SensorNet FDO (dissolved oxygen), SensoLyt (pH/ORP), and VARiON ISE (ammonium/nitrate) sensors, and share best practices for maintaining each sensor type. 

Utilizing Data to Improve Wastewater Treatment

Learn how to improve treatment and reduce operating costs by utilizing sensor data to control wastewater processes. This webinar will cover the implementation of sensor systems, how to acquire reliable data from online sensors, and common process control strategies.

Improve Chlorine Disinfection with Online DPD Analyzers

When applying chlorine disinfection to wastewater, careful dosing control is vital to meet effluent discharge limits and avoid overdosing. Online chlorine analysis using a DPD analyzer is an effective and reliable method to control dosing with great accuracy.

Wastewater Professionals Guide to Ensuring Reliable Data

Learn how to properly maintain online analytical sensors for optimized process monitoring and control. This session covers setup, calibration, cleaning, replaceable parts, and measurement verification for a variety of sensors, such as ODO, ammonium/nitrate ISE, pH/ORP, and more. 

Wastewater Treatment Strategies for Biological Nutrient Removal of Nitrogen

Biological nutrient removal (BNR) is the new standard for wastewater secondary treatment strategies. Learn about the optimal conditions for nitrogen removal in each stage of the activated sludge process and how online instrumentation is used to help improve nutrient control.

The Essentials of Phosphorus Removal in Wastewater

Learn how phosphorus behaves in wastewater and why it should be removed. This session also covers different phosphorus removal strategies, the pros and cons of each, and how to apply orthophosphate monitoring to phosphorus removal applications.

Maximizing Compliance: TOC and THM Monitoring Solutions for Water Treatment

You'll learn the strict regulations set by the USEPA for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) removal and Trihalomethanes (THM) concentration, providing practical insights on achieving and exceeding these standards. Discover the crucial role of TOC and THMs in water treatment.

Best Practices for Online Sensor Maintenance Part 4

In part four learn how to create, implement, and execute preventative maintenance programs for online analytical instrumentation. We'll discuss the basic philosophy behind preventative maintenance programs and showcase live demonstrations of tools for tracking maintenance activities.

Best Practices for Online Sensor Maintenance Part 2

In part two, learn the basics of calibration, best practices for sensor maintenance, and view live, hands-on demonstrations of maintenance procedures for YSI IQ SensorNet ViSolid (TSS), VisoTurb (turbidity), UV-Vis (nitrate, COD, BOD, etc.), and IFL (sludge level) sensors. 

How to Choose the Correct Sensor – Online Nutrient Monitoring

Learn about the different types of sensors and analyzers available for online nutrient monitoring of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphorus in wastewater. Identify which sensor works best for your facility when deciding between multiple measuring technologies.

Drinking Water Disinfection with Online DPD Analyzers

Chlorine disinfection has become the most widely used disinfection solution for drinking water plants across the country. Online chlorine analysis using a DPD chlorine analyzer is a highly reliable method for monitoring residuals at the effluent and dosing control.

Case Study: Online Sensors Improve Wastewater Treatment

Accurate data from online water quality instruments can help WRRFs meet their treatment goals. Online sensors can improve process optimization, lower treatment costs, and help meet effluent limits. Proper use of online sensors is critical to ensuring accurate, reliable data.

Process Control Strategies for Activated Sludge Optimization

Maintaining a healthy biomass of microorganisms for effective nutrient removal is no easy feat. Learn more about solids control strategies and how data from online instrumentation is used to improve monitoring and control of activated sludge.

Applications for Water Quality Instrumentation in Wastewater Treatment

YSI experts review wastewater instrumentation and treatment processes from influent through the effluent. Learn how analytical instrumentation is used in the lab, for spot checking the process, and for continuous water quality monitoring to improve treatment and process control.

ORP, a Versatile but Misunderstood Wastewater Treatment Monitoring Parameter

Learn why monitoring Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) is critical for Water Resource Recovery Facilities. This session also covers applications, monitoring methods, and real-life examples of WRRFs using ORP monitoring to increase operational efficiency.

Additional Resources of Interest:

On-Demand Training: Applications for Monitoring ORP

Free White Paper Download: The Phosphorus Problem

8 WWTPs Improve Their Process with Continuous Data

Online Analyzer for Continuous Monitoring of Orthophosphate

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