The IFL is an ultrasonic, interface level measurement sensor for the IQ SensorNet system. During the wastewater treatment process, the measurement of the interface level (sludge level) between liquids is important for process control. The IFL 700 IQ provides continuous sludge level data to assist with operational efficiency improvement decisions.
- Applications include wastewater treatment in primary/secondary clarifiers and gravity thickeners, and water treatment in pre-sedimentation and flocculator clarifiers
- Smart signal filters out interferences like sludge rakes for reliable sludge level measurements all the time
- Non-contact, maintenance-free automatic wiper option available
- Factory calibrated
- 2 year sensor warranty
The sensor is part of our IQ SensorNet family of products and works directly with our advanced wastewater process monitoring and control platform the IQ SensorNet 2020 3G controller or our simplified IQ SensorNet 282/284 controller.