• Fully encapsulated electronics
• 4-20 mA output
• Marine grade cable with strain relief
• Stainless steel housing
• Replaceable DO element
Global Water's PC320 Dissolved Oxygen Controller to use the dissolved oxygen sensor's output to control pumps or alarms. In addition Global Water offers GL500 dissolved oxygen data logger adds recording capabilities to the dissolved oxygen sensor. The GL500 dissolved oxygen data logger connects to the dissolved oxygen sensor's 4-20mA output to record data.
Why Measure DO?
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is the amount of oxygen (O2) dissolved in water. Dissolved oxygen measurements provide one of the best indicators of the health of a water ecosystem, as oxygen is a necessary element for all forms of life, including aquatic life. Oxygen enters water at the water surface through direct exchanges with the atmosphere. It is also produced as a byproduct of plant and phytoplankton photosynthesis. A decrease in dissolved oxygen levels is typically associated with an organic pollutant.
Dissolved oxygen is used by plants and animals for respiration, and by aerobic bacteria in the process of decomposition. When organic matter (such as animal waste or improperly treated wastewater) enters a body of water, algae growth increases. As the plant material dies off and decomposes, dissolved oxygen levels decrease. If the water at the surface is not mixed with deeper water layers, the water's dissolved oxygen levels can become stratified. Dissolved oxygen levels can also vary according to the time of day, weather, and temperature.
Dissolved oxygen in water can range from 0-18 parts per million (ppm), but most natural water systems require 5-6 ppm to support a diverse population. As dissolved oxygen levels drop below 5.0 mg/L, aquatic life is put under stress. As dissolved oxygen levels decrease, pollution-intolerant organisms are replaced by pollution-tolerant worms and fly larvae. If dissolved oxygen levels fall below 1-2 mg/L for a few hours, large fish kills can result.