• Four sample modes: 10 times per second, timed, logarithmic, and exception
• USB communication port
• Monitor up to 9 sensors at a time in addition to battery voltage
• Battery powered for remote locations
• User friendly with all Windows-based operating systems
• Accepts any 4-20mA input
• Optional rugged, lockable, weather resistant enclosure
The GL500 includes Windows-based software, allowing easy upload of data to a laptop, desktop, or tablet for transfer to a spreadsheet program.
Data Logger Inputs
The Global data logger is setup to accept any 4-20 mA sensor. The GL500 provides switched power to the sensors based on the sample interval and sensor warm up time settings. Twisted pair 2-wire and 3-wire sensors can be quickly connected to the data logger's terminal strip and calibrated via the Global data logger software. Your sensors can be accessed through dial-out to a remote modem attached to the GL500's serial communication port. The data logger software has online help files that are easily accessed using drop down menus and links to quickly find the answers to your questions.
The data recorder has an optional rugged, lockable and weather-resistant enclosure that can easily be hidden, bolted to a post, or secured inside an additional container for added protection from the elements, animals or vandals. A 12VDC rechargeable battery and battery charger come with the data logger enclosure option.
Global Water offers many sensors that can be used with the Data Loggers for monitoring a variety of environmental parameters, including:
• Water level
• Rain level
• Weather conditions
• Water quality
• Turbidity
• Flow rate and total flow
Contact us for more information on designing a GL500 Data Logger based environmental monitoring system and unique, special, and custom modifications to meet the requirements of your application.
Data Logger Software Information
The Data Logger includes Global Water Data Logger Software, Windows-based software that provides many useful features, such as real-time readout, measurement interval and engineering unit selection, station ID setting, and sensor calibration. The software makes accessing stored data and setting options easy. Data downloaded from the Data Logger can easily be opened in any PC spreadsheet program for analysis and graphic presentation. Globlal Water's Data Logger Software will run on a PC-type laptop, desktop computer, or tablet running any available Windows operating system. To communicate with the Data Logger, either a standard RS232 serial or a USB host communication port will work. Purchase of the Data Logger includes communication cables (for communication between the data logger and your computer).