Explore common features and individual options of the different EXO Multiparameter Water Quality Sondes
Price$200.00 (US Only)
In Stock 13
Replacement Cup
Replacement assembly includes calibration cup, sleeve, and seal.Note: Having at least two Calibration and Storage Cups on hand is an excellent idea. One will be used for lab calibrations that will be kept very clean, and one for transport to and from the field. This will help reduce interference from contaminates during calibration.
The Ultimate Sampling Handheld. Portable Meter for DO, Conductivity, Salinity, TDS, pH/ORP, Turbidity, Algae, Temperature and more
$2,126.00 - $2,797.00
Flow Cell Brush
Multiparameter Water Quality Sonde (4 sensor ports)
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EXO1 Probe Guard
Copper-alloy guard