EXO1 Guard Assembly Kit

EXO Multiparameter Sondes

EXO advanced water quality monitoring platform for continuous field water quality measurements in challenging conditions.

Price$95.00 (US Only)


In Stock 16

EXO1 Probe Guard

  • Overview

    Sensor guard for the EXO1 platform, available for individual purchase. Provides protection for the smart sensors during calibration and field use without restricting flow of fluids.

    Note: It's an excellent idea to have two sensor guards available. One for use in the field, and one that is kept very clean in t he lab for calibrations only. This helps to avoid interference from impurities during calibration.

    Includes EXO1 bottom plate (#599065) and guard tube (#599057).

  • Specifications
    Equipment used with EXO1
    User Replaceable Yes

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