EXO1 Anti-Fouling Guard

EXO Sonde Overview | Multiparameter Water Quality

Explore common features and individual options of the different EXO Multiparameter Water Quality Sondes

Price$974.00 (US Only)


In Stock 5

Copper-alloy guard

  • Overview

    This copper-alloy sonde guard for the EXO1 protects water quality sensors and provides bio-fouling protection.
    The copper construction naturally resists fouling agents in the water and prevents organisms from attaching to the guard.

  • Specifications
    Anti Fouling Yes
    Equipment used with EXO1

You may also need

Anti-Fouling C-Spray

Non-Toxic Biofouling Inhibitor


EXO Probe and Sonde Protective Sleeves

Anti-fouling sleeves


EXO Anti-fouling C/T Screen

Copper probe screen


Anti-Fouling Copper Tape

Copper tape provides biofouling protection
