Cap Membrane Kit 2.00 Mil PE

Price$79.00 (US Only)


In Stock 212

YSI 5909 screw-on cap dissolved oxygen membranes for 2003 Polarographic Sensors.

  • Overview

    Used with Polarographic probes.  Includes a bottle of electrolyte, one sanding disc, and 6 screw-on cap membranes. 2.00 Mil PE membranes (Blue cap). Convenient screw-on cap membranes make membrane changes simple and easy.

    • Response Time (T95 - from 0 to 100%) = 17 seconds

    • Flow Dependence After 4 Minutes = 18%

    • Required Flow Rate = 3 inches/second

  • Specifications
    Equipment used with Polarographic Probe

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