6436AF Anti-Fouling Turbidity Sensor

6-Series Legacy Sondes

View YSI 6-Series water quality sondes being used in a variety of water environments for long-term underwater monitoring and spot sampling.

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Anti-fouling turbidity sensor for 6-Series water quality sondes.

This sensor must be installed into a 6-Series sonde to function. Does not function on its own.

  • Overview

    Copper-based parts on the YSI 6436AF Turbidity Sensor repel aquatic growth on sensors, extending deployment periods.

    The YSI 6436AF Turbidity Probe is an anti-fouling, wiped sensor designed to seamlessly integrate - using no external interface hardware - with all YSI sondes that contain an optical port. The YSI 6136 provides accurate, in situ measurement of turbidity in fresh, brackish, and sea water, as well as other applications requiring highly accurate turbidity data.

    Features include:

    • Temperature compensation provides greater accuracy
    • Wiped optics field-proven for fouling prevention
    • Compatibility with all YSI optical port sondes provides system flexibility

    The YSI 6436AF sensor can be used in combination with those YSI sondes that have optical ports - 600 OMS, 6820, 6920, 6600, or 6600 EDS (Extended Deployment System) - and a YSI 650 MDS handheld display-logger. Make surface as well as vertical profile measurements. In addition, the YSI 6136 in combination with one of the YSI data-logging sondes can be used for unattended continuous monitoring or integrated with data collection platforms for real-time data acquisition.

    Notable Specifications:

    • Range: 0 to 1000 NTU
    • Resolution: 0.1 NTU
    • Accuracy: +/-2% of reading or 0.3 NTU, whichever is greater

  • Specifications
    Anti Fouling Yes
    Certification Assembled in the USA, CE, IP-67, WEEE, U.S. EPA ETV, FCC and RoHS
    Depth / Pressure Rating / Limit 200 m
    Equipment used with 600OMS, 6600, 6600V2, 6600EDS, 6920V2, 6920, 6820V2, 6820, ADV6600
    Measurement Range

    0 to 1,000 NTU

    Monitoring Yes
    Parameters Measured



    ±2% of reading or 0.3 NTU, whichever is greater

    User Calibratable Yes
    User Replaceable Yes

    2 years

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