The Next Generation in Nitrogen Analysis: Meet the NEW N-REALYZER
From the comprehensive protein/nitrogen experts join us to learn about the NEW N-REALYZER Dumas combustion system for your protein/nitrogen analysis.
View the slides from this webinar here.
You will have the opportunity to:
- Explore the key features and benefits of the N-REALYZER Dumas combustion system for protein/nitrogen analysis.
- Learn how the N-REALYZER compares to traditional Kjeldahl methods in terms of speed, cost, sustainability, and safety.
- Discover how to seamlessly integrate the N-REALYZER into your existing lab workflows to enhance productivity.
- Gain insights into how the N-REALYZER can reduce operational costs and resource usage in your lab.
- Watch a live demonstration of the N-REALYZER in action, highlighting its ease of use and advanced capabilities.
- Engage in a Q&A session with industry experts to address your specific questions and challenges.
Who should join us for this event:
Lab managers and team members, quality control, research and development, and anyone who wants to have a firsthand look at the NEW N-REALYZER Dumas combustion system for their nitrogen/protein analysis.