ProSample SDI-12 Cable with Flying Leads

Price$247.00 (US Only)


In Stock 2

10 meter SDI-12 cable with open cable end for wiring to an SDI-12 device. This cable can only be used with the ProSample P-12 and ProSample PM-12.

  • Overview

    One end of item # 630146 has flying leads for connecting to an SDI-12 device or a Signal Output Adapter for the SDI-
    12 device (e.g. YSI EXO1 and YSI EXO2). The other end of this cable is connected to the SDI-12 input on the ProSample
    P-12 or ProSample PM-12.

    If an EXO3 will be used, please see the 630145 cable, as it allows for direction connection of the ProSample to the EXO3.

    Please see the ProSample Ordering Guide if ordering a complete system, or contact us if you have any questions.

  • Specifications

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