2970 ISE Buffer Solution (1000 mL)

Price$96.00 (US Only)


In Stock 45

2970 ISE Buffer Solution (1000 mL)

  • Overview

    Ammonium/Potassium ISE Buffer for use with YSI 2950 Analyzers with an ISE chamber. One 1000 mL bottle.

  • Specifications
    Equipment used with 2950
    Storage Temperature 4-25°C

You may also need

7179 Ammonium/Potassium Check Solution, 100 mg/L Ammonium 200 mg/L Potassium (125 mL)

7179 Ammonium/Potassium Check Solution, 100 mg/L Ammonium 200 mg/L Potassium (125 mL)


2976 ISE Reference Electrode, 2950 (1 ea)

2976 ISE Reference Electrode, 2950 (1 ea)


2989 Preventive Maintenance Kit (for use with the 2950)

2989 Preventive Maintenance Kit (for use with the 2950)


2972 Ammonium Standard, 500 mg/L (250 ml)

2972 Ammonium Standard, 500 mg/L (250 ml)


2971 Potassium Standard, 1000 mg/L (250 mL)

2971 Potassium Standard, 1000 mg/L (250 mL)
