Winter Maintenance Special

Winter Maintenance Special Header

Routine maintenance can make all the difference in the performance of your equipment. Benefits include longer life expectancy for your instruments, less downtime, and better data in the field. Get your equipment ready for the next monitoring season.

For a limited time, we’re offering discounted pricing on maintenance for EXO Sondes, ProDSS Handheld Meters, and our legacy
This promotion ends on April 15, 2024.

Know the Benefits

Longer life expectancy for your monitoring equipment

Lower overall repair costs over the life of your equipment

Less downtime and missed data in the field when sampling

Ensure the highest quality data for another sampling season

Instructions for Sending in Your Instrument

  1. Download the YSI Product Return Form and fill out the required fields.
  2. Specify WINTER MAINTENANCE as the reason for equipment return.
  3. Include the form with your equipment and ship it to our Yellow Springs facility:

       YSI Service Center
       1725 Brannum Lane
       Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387

  4. Check the status of your repair at any time on our online: Repair Status Checker.

Annual check-up and preventative maintenance optimize the performance and lifetime of the EXO Sonde.

  • Equipment cleaning
  • Replacement/lubrication of all sonde o-rings, seals, and sealing surfaces
  • Circuit board testing and firmware update
  • Evaluation of the sonde and sensors
  • Calibration of sensors with Kor Calibration Reports
  • Central Wiper seal replacement
  • Wiper rotation check
  • Power draw check
  • Data logging test
  • Pressure test
Comprehensive inspection and seal restoration by expert technicians

Annual Wiper service is critical to anti-fouling protection.


Tune-Up covers labor for EXO Sonde evaluation and calibration of installed probes.

Replacement parts are not covered by the Tune-Up price but will be discounted by 10%.

Repair of damaged parts is not covered unless a result of a defect under warranty.

If additional services apply, they will be quoted at the time of service.

Promotional discount is valid for United States customers only.

EXO Sensor Verification
Verification that sensors meet YSI specifications

Annual check-up and preventative maintenance optimize the performance and lifetime of the ProDSS Meter.

  • Equipment cleaning
  • Replacement/lubrication of all sonde o-rings, seals, and sealing surfaces
  • Firmware updates to handheld and sensors
  • Evaluation of the complete system - handheld, cable, and sensors
  • Calibration of sensors with Kor Calibration Reports
  • Sensor power draw check
Comprehensive inspection and testing by expert technicians

Cable/probe assembly seal replacement


Tune-Up covers labor for a single ProDSS handheld, 4-port cable, and up to 4 sensors.

Replacement parts are not covered by the Tune-Up price but will be discounted by 10%.

Repair of damaged parts is not covered unless a result of a defect under warranty.

If additional services apply, they will be quoted at the time of service.

Promotional discount is valid for United States customers only.

Verification that sensors meet YSI specifications

Annual check-up and preventative maintenance optimize the performance and lifetime of the 6-Series Sonde.

  • Equipment cleaning
  • Replacement/lubrication of all sonde o-rings, seals, and sealing surfaces
  • Circuit board testing and firmware update
  • Evaluation of the sonde and sensors
  • Calibration of sensors
  • Power draw check
  • Data logging test
  • Pressure test

Comprehensive inspection and testing by expert technicians

Optical Probe Quad Seal Replacement: Wiper shaft quad seal replacement is critical to ensure the optimum performance of the optical probe.

  • Replacement of quad seal retainer and o-ring with fresh grease
  • Replacement/lubrication of all other o-ring seals
  • Wiper pad replacement
  • Wiper shaft rotation check
  • Verification that probe meets YSI specifications

Cable/probe assembly seal replacement


Tune-Up covers labor for 6-Series Sonde evaluation and calibration of installed probes.

Replacement parts are not covered by the Tune-Up price but will be discounted by 10%.

Repair of damaged parts is not covered unless a result of a defect under warranty.

If additional services apply, they will be quoted at the time of service.

Promotional discount is valid for United States customers only.

Verification that sensors meet YSI specifications