Joe Burnett, HYPACK Advanced Technical Support
Joe is in his 34th year in the Hydrographic Industry. His experience and knowledge cover all aspects of hydrographic surveying (including multibeam, LIDAR, ADCP, magnetometer, side scan, and substrate and fisheries biology). He started with an engineering company, where he studied Terrestrial and Hydrographic surveying for the first three years. He then moved on to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in St. Louis, where he performed, processed, and analyzed hydrographic surveys (bathymetric and environmental) on the Mississippi River and surrounding waterways for the next 14 years. He has been and continues to be the Multibeam expert instructor for USACE’s Hydrographic Surveying Techniques Course for the past 27 years. He has spent the last 16 years at HYPACK, traveling worldwide, performing multi-layer training, configurations, and system integrations for engineering and governmental agencies.