Water Quality Parameters

A wide variety of parameters are measured across environmental, utility, and laboratory settings. Common water quality measurements include temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, ORP, conductivity, and turbidity, though many additional parameters can enhance your platform. Water quantity, such as level, is also frequently assessed. Explore our library of parameter pages for an in-depth look at each!

Ammonia and Ammonium

Ammonia & Ammonium

Measures nitrogen levels as ammonia or ammonium. Essential for evaluating aquatic life health and monitoring wastewater treatment processes.

BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand


Biochemical Oxygen Demand measures the amount of dissolved oxygen required by aerobic organisms to decompose organic material in water.

Blue Green Algae Cyanobacteria

Blue-Green Algae

Also known as cyanobacteria. It’s important for monitoring toxins and assessing the health of aquatic ecosystems.

CDOM fDOM Chromophoric or Colored Dissolved Organic Matter


Measures dissolved organic matter (DOM) in water that can impact light absorption and aquatic life health. fDOM is a fraction of CDOM.



A component of salt in minerals and oceans. High concentrations or sudden changes in water bodies can negatively impact fish and aquatic communities.



Enables plants and other chlorophyll-containing organisms to perform photosynthesis. Measurements are used as an indicator of algal biomass.

Water chemical concentrations colorimetry photometry

Colorimetry & Photometry

Methods used to determine water chemical concentrations by measuring light absorption and color. Requires that reagent(s) be added to a sample.

conductivity in water


Evaluates water’s ability to conduct electricity, which reflects its ionic content and provides insights into overall water quality.

cyanide analysis


Present in the environment as a result of both natural and industrial processes. It must be monitored closely, as exposure can be potentially deadly.

water depth


Fundamental for understanding aquatic habitats, depth measurement influences water pressure, light penetration, and ecological conditions.

dissolved oxygen in water

Dissolved Oxygen

Essential for aquatic life, dissolved oxygen levels reflect water quality and are crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems.

life sciences, biofuels, bioprocessing

Life Science Parameters

Includes measurements like glucose, lactose, and sucrose. These parameters are measured in clinical, industrial, and research applications.

nitrate in water and nutrient monitoring


Indicates nutrient levels and potential pollution from sources like agricultural runoff, affecting aquatic life and water quality.

ORP Oxidation Reduction Potential Redox


Determine the oxidizing or reducing potential of a water sample. It’s essential for water treatment and quality assessments.



Describes how acidic or basic a solution is, depending on a solution’s ion content. Measured in nearly every water quality application.



Measures a key nutrient that—in excess—can lead to detrimental algal blooms and eutrophication in water bodies.



A fluorescent dye is used as a tracer for studying water flow and pollutant dispersion in hydrological research.



A critical factor affecting water chemistry and biological activities. One of the most fundamental parameters in environmental monitoring.

toc total organic carbon


Total Organic Carbon measures the total amount of carbon in organic compounds within water, indicating pollution levels and water treatment efficiency.

turbidity in water


Measures the cloudiness of water caused by suspended particles, indicating water quality and impacting aquatic life and usability.

water level

Water Level

Measures the volume of water in bodies like rivers and lakes. Critical for managing flood risks and studying ecological impacts.

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