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Mission: Water is a complimentary magazine featuring the world's most current water issues and how people, like you, are tackling these ever-important challenges.  Our mission is to share inspirational stories of determination, curiosity and discovery – and how great advancements are being made to better understand and protect our vital water resources.

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In this Edition:


Download previous editions:

Summer/Fall 2016

Winter/Spring 2017

Summer/Fall 2017

Winter/Spring 2018


On Ice

In the past 20 to 30 years, glacial melting has eclipsed dynamical flow as the main source of water conveyance from glaciers to the ocean. When researchers took field measurements of ice melt in Greenland they found that the models overestimated runoff by 21 to 58%. That raises big questions about what's missing from the models.


America's Crystal Ball

South Florida is – quite literally – getting into deep water. As sea levels rise and storm surges push water ashore, the staff of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is among the first to plan for a resilient future. Discover how their team is using modeling to map infrastructure spending for decades to come.


Future of Monitoring

Automation is a disrupting force throughout the world, impacting our lives and creating a new normal for generations to come. In an interview with Mission: Water, industry experts Kevin Simpson and Geoff Douglass discuss automated vehicles for monitoring water quality and quantity – and the impact on the environmental community.


70 Years of Innovation

The legacy of our YSI reaches back to a three-man partnership forged at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, USA. Look back at the evolution of our instruments over the years, responding to the changing needs of our customers and the increasingly complex environments they measure.


Nile River Monitoring

The Nile River supplies 95% of Egypt's water, irrigating the nation's crops, powering its industry, and supplying nearly all of the nation’s 99 million people with drinking water. Learn how the Ministry of Environment is protecting the legendary river from point source pollution.


Norway's GLIDER Project

The fishing industry has been incredibly important to the Norwegian economy since the Viking age. In an Interview with Mission: Water, Inger Graves, Ocean & Coastal Lead at Xylem reveals the top three autonomous vehicles the Norwegian government agencies, academia and industry are using to shed more light on ecologically vulnerable areas.
