pH/ORP Kit

Price$493.00 (US Only)


In Stock 72

pH and ORP sensor for the YSI Model 556 instrument

  • Overview

    User-replaceable sensor allows for quick sensor replacements, if needed. No tools necessary.

    One-year sensor warranty.

    Measure pH and ORP/ Redox quickly and easily with the 5565 sensor.

  • Specifications
    Equipment used with 556

You may also need

pH Kit

pH Kit


556 DO/Temp/Conductivity Field Cable

Measure conductivity/temperature, DO and any pH or pH/ORP combination

$1,435.25 - $1,695.25

556 Handheld Multiparameter Instrument

Measures Dissolved Oxygen, pH, conductivity, temperature, and ORP. Meter Only.


pH Buffer

pH Buffer


5560 Conductivity/Temperature Probe

Conductivity/ Temp Replaceable Probe
