Title: Xylem’s YSI launches a new ecommerce site to enhance the customer experience
Date: 2015-09-28 10:15
Author: Xylem Analytics
Body Content:
CHICAGO, IL – (September 28, 2015) – YSI, a Xylem brand, and an industry leader in monitoring and sampling solutions for process improvement and to protect our planet's natural resources, launched a new web site to showcase their products. The site – www.ysi.com – features comprehensive ecommerce capabilities with an interactive, mobile-friendly experience.
YSI provides instrumentation and solutions for wastewater, surface water, environmental, aquaculture, laboratory and life science applications. The primary objective of the new site is to better serve customers, to improve the online customer experience – for any device including mobile applications – and to ultimately provide an interactive ecommerce experience.
The site showcases a comprehensive online catalog that is intuitive and easy to navigate with a user-friendly product search, and enables customers to purchase products directly from the site. There is also a mechanism to submit a request for a quote, should further information and details be required before an actual purchase is made.
“Our new web site is second to none in the industry,” says Patrick Higgins, Digital Marketing Manager for YSI. “We are thrilled to offer our customers an intuitive online experience, with ecommerce capabilities so they can order our products at their convenience. Even if they’re in the field and they need to reference a product to get the job done, the new mobile interface facilitates a quick search to get them what they need. And that’s pretty exciting.”
To learn more about YSI and to experience the new web site, please visit www.ysi.com. Or to learn more about the complete range of analytics products from Xylem please visit www.xylemanalytics.com
About Xylem Analytics
Xylem’s analytics businesses are leading manufacturers of premium field, portable, laboratory and online analytical instruments used in water and wastewater, environmental, food and beverage, pharmaceutical and life science applications. The company’s meters, sensors, analyzers and related consumables are used every day by thousands of end-users worldwide to analyze and control quality in countless applications where precise measurement is required. Xylem Analytics started with the core brands of WTW, SI Analytics, Aanderaa Data Instruments, Global Water Instrumentation, ebro and Bellingham + Stanley, and has grown through a series of successful acquisitions including OI Analytical, YSI and MJK Automation. www.xylemanalytics.com
About Xylem
Xylem (XYL) is a leading global water technology provider, enabling customers to transport, treat, test and efficiently use water in public utility, residential and commercial building services, industrial and agricultural settings. The company does business in more than 150 countries through a number of market-leading product brands, and its people bring broad applications expertise with a strong focus on finding local solutions to the world’s most challenging water and wastewater problems. Xylem is headquartered in Rye Brook, New York with 2014 revenues of $3.9 billion and approximately 12,500 employees worldwide. Xylem was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the last four years for advancing sustainable business practices and solutions worldwide.
The name Xylem is derived from classical Greek and is the tissue that transports water in plants, highlighting the engineering efficiency of our water-centric business by linking it with the best water transportation of all -- that which occurs in nature. For more information, please visit us at www.xylem.com.
Patrick Higgins
Luke Giroux