Title: Fine Tuning Plant Processes
Date: 2015-05-04 10:15
Author: Xylem Analytics
Body Content:
Online monitoring enables Ohio wastewater treatment plants to achieve compliance.
The Delaware County (Ohio) Regional Sewer District faces unique environmental challenges. The proximity of Delaware County to Columbus and undeveloped land area has created intense demand for housing, resulting in explosive population growth. The current county population of 185,000 reflects an increase of 75,000 people since 2000. The county also is crisscrossed by sensitive watersheds: The Olentangy River is a State Scenic River, and Alum Creek and the Scioto River both are impounded downstream as sources of drinking water for the Columbus metropolitan area. These conditions have resulted in a fairly decentralized approach to wastewater treatment and effluent disposal. The county owns and operates nine water resource recovery facilities and treated water is discharged to land and surface water.
Read the full article on http://www.wwdmag.com/monitoring/fine-tuning-plant-processes