b"6EAT LOCAL 7WHOLE FOODSBuying non-local foods incurs a heftyInstead of buying prepackaged water footprint, as the productionmeals and processed foods, of gasoline and jet fuel used forincorporating whole foods into your transportation is incredibly water- diet is a great way to reduce water intensive. A single gallon (3.8 liters)consumption. of gasoline requires 13 gallons (49 liters) of water to produce. 14 Processing food includes washing and prepping the ingredients as Conventional food travels anwell as packaging the product. For average of 1,500 miles from the farmexample, an ounce (28 grams) of to your table, while many considerpotato chips requires over 7 gallons food produced within 100 miles as(26.5 liters) of water to produce local. Additionally, locally grownand process, whereas an ounce of food is typically grown using lesspotatoes only requires 2 gallons (7.6 pesticides 15 pesticides which canliters) of water. 17cause significant water pollution. 16 Eating less processed and more There are plenty of other benefits whole foods is a healthier option that of buying local. The food is fresher will significantly reduce the water and often more nutritious, and footprint of your grocery trip. it's a fantastic way to supportyour community!.an ounce (28 grams) of potato Conventional food travels anchips requires over 7 gallons average of 1,500 miles from the(26.5 liters) of water to produce farm to your table, while manyand process, whereas an ounce consider food produced withinof potatoes only requires 2 100 miles as local. gallons (7.6 liters) of water. 32 MISSION: WATER"