b"Ice Calving Calving occurs when chunks of ice break away from the edge of a glacier, forming icebergs. The largest iceberg ever recorded wasWhat Can be Done? the size of the U.S. state of Connecticut when it formed in March 2000. 9 Creative solutions have been proposed to prevent the melting of glaciersfrom underwater walls built with robots to enormous cooling tunnels EARTHQUAKES under the ice. 8Realistically though, the only Glaciers are heavy, and the Earth rebounds in response tolong-term solution is to slowand melting glaciers. Tectonic platesenormous pieces of theeventually stopthe emission Earths crustcan more freely move against one anotherof greenhouse gases that drive when this weight is removed, increasing the likelihood ofan increase in global temperatures. earthquakes in the area of the melting glacier. 7 Unfortunately, glaciers would continue The 1979 St. Elias earthquake is an example of tectonicto melt for decades even if global activity that scientists have tied to melting glaciers.temperature is stabilized. 1Occurring beneath the Chugach and St. Elias Mountains of southeastern Alaska, this significant event registered aThere are respected scientists7.2 on the Richter Scale. 7 around the world researching how our world is responding to a changing climate. Staying informed of their findings and educating yourself and othersusing scientific resources can go a long way in driving environmental awareness. SOURCESFinally, visit some of the vanishing1IPCC,AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis glaciers firsthand if you can, such as2NOAA,Relative Sea Level Trend: 9452210 Juneau, Alaska the Muir Glacier, as you may find3NOAA,Climate Change: Global Sea Level yourself becoming a strong advocate4USGS,How would sea level change if all glaciers melted? for these icy giants.5National Geographic,Climate Change Is Moving the North Pole6Princeton,OA Guide to Map & Compass7NASA,Retreating Glaciers Spur Alaskan Earthquakes8NBC,Two audacious plans for saving the world's ice sheets 9NASA,End of the Journey for Iceberg B-15Z?Whos Minding the Planet? 19"