b'INTERNATIONAL WATERSReal-Time Monitoring Real-time water quality monitoring programs are playing an ever-increasing and vital role in helping to enforce environmental policy in Thailand and around the globe. YSI, a Xylem brand, has partnered with local environmental consultant, Green Banyan, to provide instrumentation for one such program along the Pa Sak in Saraburi Province (NE of Bangkok), MONITORING STATIONSknown for its ancient Buddhist temples. Sites like this come in a diversity of sizes and security along the Pa Sak in a large scale monitoring network. Funded by the Ministry of Interior, the scope of the project was organized into three phases: the first two phases utilized a buoy-based platform approach, in this case the EMM 350 Pisces buoy, while the third phase consisted of land-based stations employing submersible pumps to collect water samples.These buoys were equipped with a YSI EXO2 water quality sonde, configured to measure surface temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, total algae (including blue-green algae), and turbidity, among other calculated water quality parameters. Each EXO2 system was also equipped with a central wiper to help prevent biofouling and mitigate any risks of data loss due to fouling of sensors. Strategically, each station was located near a Buddhist temple, where the EXO2locals can keep an eye on the buoy, thus keeping the chances of tampering SONDE or theft low.Background: The gate of Pa Sak Cholasit Dam.This was a major national project that now provides flood control for Bangkok andserves as a regional tourist destination.Sign Photo: Government displays were installed at each site, which builds public awareness of the project and encourages participation in data viewing.Whos Minding the Planet? 49'