b'WATER BLOGGEDHEADLINEWater BloggedHow Sensors WorkPrinciples and Practice in Water Quality MonitoringHydrologists, Hydrographers, How Sensors Work: Principles and Hydrometrists, Oh My! Practice in Water Quality MonitoringTheres a lot of debate around the importanceYSI, a Xylem brandin partnership with the Cleveland of job titles. Water Allianceis proud to offer a five-part, on-demand webinar series detailing how water quality Titles have obvious relevance in terms of hierarchy andsensors work! being able to determine roles within an organization. But in the water monitoring community, a job title canThis seriestargeted at students and water sometimes get "muddied" with confusion.professionals alikereviews the importance of monitoring common parameters like turbidity, pH/ORP, So, what do you call yourself in the professional world?conductance, dissolved oxygen, and algal pigments Is a hydrometrist the same thing as a hydrologist?(e.g., chlorophyll, phycocyanin, etc.). What\'s the history behind these titles? Do they share the same meaning everywhere in the world?It also describes the evolution of technologies to measure these parameters, as well as the underlying Join us in this discussion about the different "H\'s"principles of how these sensors take measurements. and what they mean, what they do, and what sets them apart.Most importantly, YSI experts also discuss real-world examples of how in-situ sensors are used by Learn about the different professions in the watermonitoring organizations, showcasing not only their industry and why titles are important to soimportance to environmental science but also the many people. limitations of field instrumentation.Listen Now:Watch On-Demand: SonTek.com/PodcastsYSI.com/How-Sensors-WorkJoin us for more stories at: YSI.com/blog4'